Getting Started With Flutter
Created: 2020.02.09
- Android Studio IDE Setup: Android Studio
- SetUp flutter:
- Note: GOOGLE is your best friend.
- Google for solutions to problems you have.
- First App Part 1 (1st hour): Flutter: Write your first Flutter app, part 1
- Additional Reads (Optional, highly recommended skimming)
- Reference: Building Layouts Example: Flutter: Layouts in Flutter
- Reference: Adding Interactivity Example: Flutter: Adding interactivity to your Flutter app
- First App Part 2: (2nd hour)
- Codelabs: Write Your First Flutter App, part 2
- Second App (4th hour): Connecting to Firestore
- Second App with cloud functionallity.
- You are now ready to create anything you want.
- If you want a more in depth understanding of why things work the way they do, take this free course. The info is relevant, but the code is outdated because it was made in 2018: Udacity: Build Native Mobile Apps with Flutter
- 2018.09.11 Created
Getting Started With Flutter
Version 1 - 2020.02.09 Created
Getting Started With Flutter
Version 2 - 2020.06.12 Updated links to use Markdown syntax
- 2020.07.03 Updated syntax
- 2020.07.11
- Added number ordering to tutorials
- Relocated old version of Flutter Getting Started Archive